Bateman Lab Plasma Abeta42/Abeta40 Ratio as a Predictor of Brain Amyloidosis
A data frame with 622 rows and 72 variables
A dataset with variables as follows:
ASSAY -4 na Experiment file name
ASSAY_FLUID -4 na Main biological matrix of experiment
ASSAY_IP_PROTOCOL -4 na Sample processing protocol
BATCH_N -4 na Indicates the batch in which the sample was processed (prepped) for LC-MSMS
FILE_NAME_NE -4 na Exact file name of LC-MSMS rum without extention
INJECTION -4 na injection (technical replicate) 1-st denoted as 'a'; second as 'b' ei.
INSTRUMENT -4 na Masspectrometer
LC.MS_SAMPLE_ID -4 na Internal ID of LS_MS sample to control for technical replicates. It serves as internal blinding ID and for QC purpocess
MS_RUN_DATE -4 na date when sequense get started to run on LC-MSMS
QC_FLAGS -4 na None or one or many QC flags assigned by QC comitte when sample does not meet respective quality criterias
QC_STATUS -4 na Status of samples assign by quality control comitte (Passed; Failed). If failed, samples should not be used for further analysis
SAMPLE_TYPE -4 na Type of LC_MS sample
SUBJECT -4 na Subject or biosample ID or blinded ID. For Clinical samples this column should be key for unblinding
PEAK.AREA_ABETA38_N14.B07 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b7 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ38
PEAK.AREA_ABETA38_N14.B08 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b8 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ38
PEAK.AREA_ABETA38_N14.B09 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b9 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ38
PEAK.AREA_ABETA38_N15.B07 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b7 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ38 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA38_N15.B08 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b8 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ38 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA38_N15.B09 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b9 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ38 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N14.B05 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b5 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ40
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N14.B07 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b7 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ40
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N14.B08 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b8 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ40
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N14.B09 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b9 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ40
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N14.B10 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b10 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ40
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N14.B11 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b11 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ40
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N15.B05 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b5 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ40 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N15.B07 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b7 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ40 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N15.B08 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b8 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ40 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N15.B09 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b9 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ40 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N15.B10 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b10 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ40 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N15.B11 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b11 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ40 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N14.B08 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b8 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ42
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N14.B09 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b9 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ42
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N14.B10 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b10 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ42
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N14.B11 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b11 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ42
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N14.B12 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b12 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ42
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N14.B13 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b13 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from endogenous Aβ42
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N15.B08 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b8 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ42 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N15.B09 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b9 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ42 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N15.B10 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b10 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ42 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N15.B11 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b11 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ42 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N15.B12 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b12 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ42 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N15.B13 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b13 for the LysN C-terminal peptide from 15N labled Aβ42 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N14.B04 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b4 for the LysN Mid-Domain from endogenous Aβ
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N14.B05 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b5 for the LysN Mid-Domain from endogenous Aβ
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N14.B06 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b6 for the LysN Mid-Domain from endogenous Aβ
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N14.B07 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b7 for the LysN Mid-Domain from endogenous Aβ
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N14.B08 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b8 for the LysN Mid-Domain from endogenous Aβ
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N14.B09 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b9 for the LysN Mid-Domain from endogenous Aβ
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N14.B10 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b10 for the LysN Mid-Domain from endogenous Aβ
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N14.B11 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b11 for the LysN Mid-Domain from endogenous Aβ
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N15.B04 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b4 for the LysN Mid-Domain from 15N labled Aβ internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N15.B05 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b5 for the LysN Mid-Domain from 15N labled Aβ internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N15.B06 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b6 for the LysN Mid-Domain from 15N labled Aβ internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N15.B07 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b7 for the LysN Mid-Domain from 15N labled Aβ internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N15.B08 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b8 for the LysN Mid-Domain from 15N labled Aβ internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N15.B09 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b9 for the LysN Mid-Domain from 15N labled Aβ internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N15.B10 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b10 for the LysN Mid-Domain from 15N labled Aβ internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETAMD_N15.B11 -4 na Integrated Peak Area for chromatograms derived from MS/MS transition ion b11 for the LysN Mid-Domain from 15N labled Aβ internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N14.TOUSE -4 na Summed intergrated peak Area across all quantitative MS/MS transitions for peptide specific to endogenous Aβ40
PEAK.AREA_ABETA40_N15.TOUSE -4 na Summed intergrated peak Area across all quantitative MS/MS transitions for peptide specific to 15N labeled Aβ40 internal standard
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N14.TOUSE -4 na Summed intergrated peak Area across all quantitative MS/MS transitions for peptide specific to endogenous Aβ42
PEAK.AREA_ABETA42_N15.TOUSE -4 na Summed intergrated peak Area across all quantitative MS/MS transitions for peptide specific to 15N labeled Aβ42 internal standard
RATIO_ABETA42.40_BY_ISTD.TOUSE -4 na Final Calculated 42/40 Ratio
if (FALSE) { describe(batemanlab) }