CSF Hemoglobin ELISA and PS129 Luminex Assays (Zhang Lab, University of Washington)
A data frame with 805 rows and 13 variables
A dataset with variables as follows:
RID -4 -4 Participant roster ID
VISCODE -4 -4 Visit code
VISCODE2 -4 -4 Translated visit code
EXAMDATE -4 -4 Examination Date
BOX_POS -4 Aliquot position in shipping box
VOLUME -4 aliquot volume
SHIPMENT -4 Respository shipment identifier
RUNDATE_ASYN -4 Date of alpha-synuclein assay
FINAL_ASYN -4 ng/ml Final reported concentration of alpha-synuclein
RUNDATE_PS129 -4 Date of ps129 assay
FINAL_PS129 -4 ng/ml Final reported concentration of ps129
RUNDATE_HGB -4 Date of hemoglobin assay
FINAL_HGB -4 ng/ml Final reported concentration of hemoglobin
https://adni.bitbucket.io/reference/docs/ZHANG/UW%20-%20Zhang%20Lab,%20CSF%20Hgb_v160914.pdf, https://adni.bitbucket.io/reference/docs/ZHANG/UW%20-%20Zhang%20Lab,%20CSF%20ps129_v160914.pdf
if (FALSE) { describe(zhang) }