Rules Based Medicine Plasma Multiplex Raw Data
A data frame with 201970 rows and 12 variables
A dataset with variables as follows:
RID -4 -4 Participant roster ID
RBMID -4 -4 Sample ID from RBM
VISCODE -4 -4 Visit code
ANALYTE -4 -4 Name of Analyte with Units
LDD -4 -4 Least Detectable Dose (see primer for details)
AVALUE -4 -4 Recorded Value
ANALVAL -4 -4 Numeric Value after possible imputation (see primer for details; note that some analytes are all blank due to too many <LOW> values)
BELOWLDD -4 -4 Is analval < LDD? Note: this flag pertains to both recorded value and imputed value
READLOW -4 -4 Is recorded value <LOW> or numeric? (see primer for details)
LOGTRANS -4 -4 Is analval log10 transformed?
OUTLIER -4 -4 Is analval considered an outlier (see primer for details)