Neuropsychiatric Inventory Examination
A data frame with 6899 rows and 162 variables
A dataset with variables as follows:
SPID N NA Study Partner ID:
RID N Participant roster ID
VISCODE T Visit code
USERDATE S Date record created
USERDATE2 S Date record last updated
EXAMDATE T Examination Date
NPISOURC N Information source
NPIA N A. Delusions
NPIA1 N 1. Does P believe that he/she is in danger - that others are planning to hurt him/her?
NPIA2 N 2. Does P believe that others are stealing from him/her?
NPIA3 N 3. Does P believe that his/her spouse is having an affair?
NPIA4 N 4. Does P believe that unwelcome guests are living in his/her house?
NPIA5 N 5. Does P believe that his/her spouse or others are not who they claim to be?
NPIA6 N 6. Does P believe that his/her house is not his/her home?
NPIA7 N 7. Does P believe that family members plan to abandon him/her?
NPIA8 N 8. Does P believe that television or magazine figures are actually present in the home? [Does he/she try to talk to or interact with them?]
NPIA9 N 9. Does P believe any other unusual things that I haven't asked about?
NPIA10A N 10a. Frequency Ratings
NPIA10B N 10b. Severity Ratings
NPIA10C N 10c. Caregiver Distress
NPIATOT N A. Delusions: Item score
NPIB N B. Hallucinations
NPIB1 N 1. Does P describe hearing voices or act as if he/she hears voices?
NPIB2 N 2. Does P talk to people who are not there?
NPIB3 N 3. Does P describe seeing things not seen by others or behave as if he/she is seeing things not seen by others (people, animals, lights, etc.)?
NPIB4 N 4. Does P report smelling odors not smelled by others?
NPIB5 N 5. Does P describe feeling things on his/her skin or otherwise appear to be feeling things crawling or touching him/her?
NPIB6 N 6. Does P describe tastes that are without any known cause?
NPIB7 N 7. Does P describe any other unusual sensory experiences?
NPIB8A N 8a. Frequency Ratings
NPIB8B N 8b. Severity Ratings
NPIB8C N 8c. Caregiver Distress
NPIBTOT N B. Hallucinations: Item score
NPIC N C: Agitation/Aggression
NPIC1 N 1. Does P get upset with those trying to care for him/her or resist activities such as bathing or changing clothes?
NPIC2 N 2. Is P stubborn, having to have things his/her way?
NPIC3 N 3. Is P uncooperative, resistive to help from others?
NPIC4 N 4. Does P have any other behaviors that make him/her hard to handle?
NPIC5 N 5. Does P shout or curse angrily?
NPIC6 N 6. Does P slam doors, kick furniture, throw things?
NPIC7 N 7. Does P attempt to hurt or hit others?
NPIC8 N 8. Does P have any other aggressive or agitated behaviors?
NPIC9A N 9a. Frequency Ratings
NPIC9B N 9b. Severity Ratings
NPIC9C N 9c. Caregiver Distress
NPICTOT N C. Agitation/Aggression: Item score
NPID N D: Depression/Dysphoria
NPID1 N 1. Does P have periods of tearfulness or sobbing that seem to indicate sadness?
NPID2 N 2. Does P say or act as if he/she is sad or low in spirits?
NPID3 N 3. Does P put him/herself down or say that he/she feels like a failure?
NPID4 N 4. Does P say that he/she is a bad person or deserves to be punished?
NPID5 N 5. Does P seem very discouraged or say that he/ she has not future?
NPID6 N 6. Does P say he/she is a burden to the family or that the family would be better off without him/her?
NPID7 N 7. Does P express a wish for death or talk about killing him/herself?
NPID8 N 8. Does P show any other signs of depression or sadness?
NPID9A N 9a. Frequency Ratings
NPID9B N 9b. Severity Ratings
NPID9C N 9c. Caregiver Distress
NPIDTOT N D. Depression/Dysphoria: Item score
NPIE N E. Anxiety
NPIE1 N 1. Does P say that he/she is worried about planned events?
NPIE2 N 2. Does P have periods of feeling shaky, unable to relax, or feeling excessively tense?
NPIE3 N 3. Does P have periods of [or complain of] shortness of breath, gasping, or sighing for no apparent reason other than nervousness?
NPIE4 N 4. Does P complain of butterflies in his/her stomach, or of racing or pounding of the heart in association with nervousness? [Symptoms not explained by ill health]?
NPIE5 N 5. Does P avoid certain places or situations that make him.her more nervous such as riding in the car, meeting with friends, or being in crowds?
NPIE6 N 6. Does P become nervous or upset when separated from you [or his/her caregiver]? [Does he/she cling to you to keep from being separated?]
NPIE7 N 7. Does P show any other signs of anxiety?
NPIE8A N 8a. Frequency Ratings
NPIE8B N 8b. Severity Ratings
NPIE8C N 8c. Caregiver Distress
NPIETOT N E. Anxiety: Item score
NPIF N F. Elation/Euphoria
NPIF1 N 1. Does P appear to feel too good or too happy, different from his/her usual self?
NPIF2 N 2. Does P find humor and laugh at things that others do not find funny?
NPIF3 N 3. Does P seem to have a childish sense of humor with a tendency to giggle or laugh inappropriately (such as when something unfortunate happens to others)?
NPIF4 N 4. Does P tell jokes or make remarks that have little humor for others but seem funny to him/her?
NPIF5 N 5. Does he/she play childish pranks such as pinching or playing "keep away" for the fun of it?
NPIF6 N 6. Does P "talk big" or claim to have more abilities or wealth than is true?
NPIF7 N 7. Does P show any other signs of feeling too good or being too happy?
NPIF8A N 8a. Frequency Ratings
NPIF8B N 8b. Severity Ratings
NPIF8C N 8c. Caregiver Distress
NPIFTOT N F. Elation/Euphoria: Item score
NPIG N G. Apathy/Indifference
NPIG1 N 1. Does P seem less spontaneous and less active than usual?
NPIG2 N 2. Is P less likely to initiate a conversation?
NPIG3 N 3. Is P less affectionate or lacking in emotions when compared to his/her usual self?
NPIG4 N 4. Does P contribute less to household chores?
NPIG5 N 5. Does P seem less interested in the activities and plans of others?
NPIG6 N 6. Has P lost interest in friends and family members?
NPIG7 N 7. Is P less enthusiastic about his/her usual interests?
NPIG8 N 8. Does P show any other signs that he/she doesn't care about doing new things?
NPIG9A N 9a. Frequency Ratings
NPIG9B N 9b. Severity Ratings
NPIG9C N 9c. Caregiver Distress
NPIGTOT N G. Apathy/Indifference: Item score
NPIH N H. Disinhibition
NPIH1 N 1. Does P act impulsively without appearing to consider the consequences?
NPIH2 N 2. Does P talk to total strangers as if he/she knew them?
NPIH3 N 3. Does P say things to people that are insensitive or hurt their feelings?
NPIH4 N 4. Does P say crude things or make sexual remarks that they would not usually have said?
NPIH5 N 5. Does P talk openly about very personal or private matters not usually discussed in public?
NPIH6 N 6. Does P take liberties or touch or hug others in a way that is out of character for him/her?
NPIH7 N 7. Does P show any other signs of loss of control of his/her impulses?
NPIH8A N 8a. Frequency Ratings
NPIH8B N 8b. Severity Ratings
NPIH8C N 8c. Caregiver Distress
NPIHTOT N H. Disinhibition: Item score
NPII N I. Irritability/Lability
NPII1 N 1. Does P have a bad temper, flying "off the handle" easily over little things?
NPII2 N 2. Does P rapidly change moods from one to another, being fine one minute and angry the next?
NPII3 N 3. Does P have sudden flashes of anger?
NPII4 N 4. Is P impatient, having trouble coping with delays or waiting for planned activities?
NPII5 N 5. Is P cranky and irritable?
NPII6 N 6. Is P argumentative and difficult to get along with?
NPII7 N 7. Does P show any other signs of irritability?
NPII8A N 8a. Frequency Ratings
NPII8B N 8b. Severity Ratings
NPII8C N 8c. Caregiver Distress
NPIITOT N I. Irritability/Lability: Item score
NPIJ N J. Aberrant Motor Behavior
NPIJ1 N 1. Does P pace around the house without apparent purpose?
NPIJ2 N 2. Does P rummage around opening and unpacking drawers or closets?
NPIJ3 N 3. Does P repeatedly put on and take off clothing?
NPIJ4 N 4. Does P have repetitive activities or "habits" that he/she performs over and over?
NPIJ5 N 5. Does P engage in repetitive activities such as handling buttons, picking, wrapping string, etc?
NPIJ6 N 6. Has P fidget excessively, seem unable to sit still, or bounce his/her feet or tap his/her fingers a lot?
NPIJ7 N 7. Does P do any other activities over and over?
NPIJ8A N 8a. Frequency Ratings
NPIJ8B N 8b. Severity Ratings
NPIJ8C N 8c. Caregiver Distress
NPIJTOT N J. Aberrant Motor Behavior: Item score
NPIK N K. Sleep
NPIK1 N 1. Does P have difficulty falling asleep?
NPIK2 N 2. Does P get up during the night (do not count if the patient gets up once or twice per night only to go to the bathroom and falls back asleep immediately)?
NPIK3 N 3. Does P wander, pace, or get involved in inappropriate activities at night?
NPIK4 N 4. Does P awaken you during the night?
NPIK5 N 5. Does P awaken at night, dress, and plan to go out thinking that it is morning and time to start the day?
NPIK6 N 6. Does P awaken too early in the morning (earlier than was his/her habit)?
NPIK7 N 7. Does P sleep excessively during the day?
NPIK8 N 8. Does P have any other night-time behaviors that bother you that we haven't talked about?
NPIK9A N 9a. Frequency Ratings
NPIK9B N 9b. Severity Ratings
NPIK9C N 9c. Caregiver Distress
NPIKTOT N K. Sleep: Item score
NPIL N L. Appetite and eating disorders:
NPIL1 N 1. Has he/she had a loss of appetite?
NPIL2 N 2. Has he/she had an increase in appetite?
NPIL3 N 3. Has he/she had a loss of weight?
NPIL4 N 4. Has he/she gained weight?
NPIL5 N 5. Has he/she had a change in eating behavior such as putting too much food in his/her mouth at once?
NPIL6 N 6. Has he/she had a change in the kind of food he/she likes such as eating too many sweets or other specific types of food?
NPIL7 N 7. Has he/she developed eating behaviors such as eating exactly the same types of food each day or eating the food in exactly the same order?
NPIL8 N 8. Have there been any other changes in appetite or eating that I haven't asked about?
NPIL9A N 9a. Frequency Ratings
NPIL9B N 9b. Severity Ratings
NPIL9C N 9c. Caregiver Distress
NPILTOT N L. Appetite and eating disorders: Item score