MRI Infarcts
A data frame with 8598 rows and 14 variables
A dataset with variables as follows:
COLPROT -4 -4 Study protocol of data collection
RID -4 -4 Participant roster ID
VISCODE -4 Visit code
VISCODE2 -4 -4 Translated visit code
MRI.DATE2 -4 -4 -4
MRI.DATE1 -4 -4 -4
SIDE -4 Text Side of Infarct, if detected
SIZE -4 Text Size of Infarct, if detected
CVA.NUMBER -4 -4 -4
CVA.TYPE -4 -4 -4
XYZ -4 -4 -4
IMGFILE -4 -4 -4
USERDATE -4 Date record created
EXAMDATE -4 Examination Date
STROKE_READ_DATE -4 Date Image Evaluated
INFARCT_NUMBER -4 integer Number detected
BRAIN_REGION -4 integer Anatomical Location
STROKE_TYPE -4 -4 -4
LOCATION_XYZ -4 Text Image Space Location
if (FALSE) { describe(mri_infarcts) }