Latent Disease Time Estimates, Alzheimer's Therapeutic Research Institute (ATRI) of University of Southern California
A data frame with 72310 rows and 9 variables
A dataset with variables as follows:
RID -4 NA Participant roster ID
DX -4 NA Baseline diagnosis
OUTCOME -4 NA Indicates the outcome for which the random_intercept or random_slope is estimated
VARIABLE -4 NA Indicates the type of estimate (latent_time, random_intercept, or random_slope)
ESTIMATE -4 NA The estimates. Note the scale of latent_time is years and the random intercepts and slopes are on a common standardized scale (the outcomes are modeled as Z-scores).
LWR -4 NA Lower limit of 95
UPR -4 NA Upper limit of 95
RHAT -4 NA Convergence statistic that should be close to 1 (see e.g.
if (FALSE) { describe(latent_disease_time) }