Functional Assessment Questionnaire
A data frame with 11913 rows and 23 variables
A dataset with variables as follows:
FAQDATE D NA Date collected
SPID N NA Study Partner ID:
SOURCE N NA Information Source
RID N Participant roster ID
VISCODE T Visit code
USERDATE S Date record created
EXAMDATE D Examination Date
FAQSOURCE N Information Source
FAQFINAN N 1. Writing checks, paying bills, or balancing checkbook.
FAQFORM N 2. Assembling tax records, business affairs, or other papers.
FAQSHOP N 3. Shopping alone for clothes, household necessities, or groceries.
FAQGAME N 4. Playing a game of skill such as bridge or chess, working on a hobby.
FAQBEVG N 5. Heating water, making a cup of coffee, turing off the stove.
FAQMEAL N 6. Preparing a balanced meal.
FAQEVENT N 7. Keeping track of current events.
FAQTV N 8. Paying attention to and understanding a TV program, book, or magazine.
FAQREM N 9. Remembering appointments, family occasions, holidays, medications.
FAQTRAVL N 10. Traveling out of the neighborhood, driving, or arranging to take public transportation.
FAQTOTAL N Total Score
USERDATE2 S Date record last updated