A data frame with 4884 rows and 37 variables
A dataset with variables as follows:
RID N Participant roster ID
VISCODE T Visit code
USERDATE S Date record created
EXAMDATE D Examination Date
AXNAUSEA N 1. Nausea
AXVOMIT N 2. Vomiting
AXDIARRH N 3. Diarrhea
AXCONSTP N 4. Constipation
AXABDOMN N 5. Abdominal discomfort
AXSWEATN N 6. Sweating
AXDIZZY N 7. Dizziness
AXENERGY N 8. Low energy
AXDROWSY N 9. Drowsiness
AXVISION N 10. Blurred vision
AXHDACHE N 11. Headache
AXDRYMTH N 12. Dry mouth
AXBREATH N 13. Shortness of breath
AXCOUGH N 14. Coughing
AXPALPIT N 15. Palpitations
AXCHEST N 16. Chest pain
AXURNDIS N 17. Urinary discomfort (e.g., burning)
AXURNFRQ N 18. Urinary frequency
AXANKLE N 19. Ankle swelling
AXMUSCLE N 20. Muscloskeletal pain
AXRASH N 21. Rash
AXINSOMN N 22. Insomnia
AXDPMOOD N 23. Depressed mood
AXCRYING N 24. Crying
AXELMOOD N 25. Elevated mood
AXWANDER N 26. Wandering
AXFALL N 27. Fall
AXOTHER N 28. Other/Diagnosis
AXSPECIF T If Other symptoms/diagnosis, specify:
USERDATE2 S Date record last updated